
Hello Friends & My Students !

Welcome To 3D Lecture Blog,

Myself Ark kor founder of ( 3D LECTURE ) Blog.
This Blog was Started in Year 2019 for Our 3Ds max Students.
Our Main mission to Start this Blog was to help ,Specially New 3Ds max & Vray Beginner Students those who want to learn 3Ds max and vray through Online for free.

This Blog also provides our students free learning resources,So that Students can practice on 3D projects in real time.
For Queries & Doubts in video lecture we had recently provided [ Online Q/A Tab ] by visiting their students will be easily able to get Cleared their queries in 3Dsmax and VRay.

This is one of the best Blog for free 3ds max video tutorials,lectures related to 3D modeling,designing & 3D Rendering 3ds max software for architecture & Civil engineers.

Basics 3ds max Tutorials for new student’s and may be helpful to both the beginners as well as intermediate learner,who want to learn 3ds max software from basic to Advance for free of cost.

Your Support Means Lots for Us!

Keep Supporting & Please Visit this Blog to learn 3Ds max & VRay from beginning.

Thanks for Support,
Ark Kor
( Founder of 3DLecture.com )

Our Partners,

3D CREATIVES ( Youtube Channel )

Follow us On Our Official Social Pages ❤❤

Instagram : https://instagram.com/3dcreatives101

Facebook page : https://www.facebook.com/3DCreatives101/


नमस्कार दोस्तों, मैं आपका बहुत बहुत स्वागत करता हूँ हमारे “3डी लेक्चर” ब्लॉग में,

मैंने यह ब्लॉग उन सभी दोस्तों के लिए बनाया है जो 3ड्समैक्स सीखना चाहते है फ्री में अपनी मात्र भाषा हिंदी में जानना चाहते है, तो जुड़े रहे इस ब्लॉग के साथ और सीखते रहे धन्यवाद |

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